[paving x]
Monster of a machine

The milling machine for high production paving jobs in California

Posted by Graniterock on May 3, 2018

What this half-lane milling machine can deliver for any paving project is pretty incredible, grinding 500 tons an hour and loading each truck in about one minute compared with three minutes for a traditional 6-foot grinder.
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Finish line in sight for BART

Finish line in site for new BART station

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 7, 2017

SAN JOSE – Successful completion of a new station for BART to extend from Fremont into San Jose, working alongside two other major contracts, doesn’t happen without clearing some pretty high hurdles.
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Failure not an option

Failure not an option for this paving Rock Star

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 2, 2017

SAN JOSE – By all accounts, it’s a miracle JP Paving celebrated its 20th anniversary this year.
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Caltrans moves ahead with foamed asphalt CIR

Caltrans moves ahead with foamed asphalt partial depth reclamation

Posted by Dennis McElroy on Jun 7, 2017

SAN JOSE – With climate change a hot topic all over the world, it’s not surprising new pavement rehabilitation technologies have taken off throughout California in recent years.
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Asphalt quality guaranteed

Asphalt quality guaranteed with this team

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Mar 22, 2017

REDWOOD CITY – Telling a customer we’re going to make a specific asphalt mix isn’t good enough.
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Keys to the perfect paving job

Keys to the perfect paving job

Posted by Graniterock on Dec 6, 2016

Brent Edelman is an expert on what it takes to execute the perfect asphalt paving job.A Graniterock superintendent and operations manager, Brent has spent his 30-year construction career building roads, highways and other high profile projects.Currently he works with Graniterock’s paving crews and project management teams to ensure each project turns out according to the owner’s specifications, and is delivered on time and budget.We’ve asked Brent to share some of that knowledge and experience.
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True test of team work

Paving Interstate 280: True test of team work across Graniterock

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 17, 2016

WOODSIDE – Coming down to the wire, Graniterock’s Construction Division just wrapped up one of its larger paving projects in recent years.
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Slurry seal boss finds trust-based success

Roughneck turned slurry seal boss finds trust-based success

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 10, 2016

UNION CITY – Barry Short lives most of his life on the road – from the Sierra Nevada mountains to the California coast and high desert of Arizona.
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A team that works like family

Construction’s custom team: Defined by a connection that goes beyond the job

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 8, 2016

WATSONVILLE – There’s a group of guys in the Monterey Bay area that own and operate their jobs in a way you don’t see in the rest of the Construction Division.
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Tender Pavements

Posted by Graniterock on Mar 18, 2015

A tender or slow-setting asphalt pavement is defined as one that scuffs under horizontally applied shearing loads after compaction has been completed, such as when power steering turns are made by a stationary vehicle. There are several causes of “tender pavements” including a faulty mix design, low compaction, and liquid asphalt saturation. Although each of these causes contributes to tender pavement, the most common root cause of a tender asphalt pavement is premature application of a preventive maintenance surface treatment (i.e. sealcoat, slurry seal, chip seal).
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