Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

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California Employment Report

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

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Economic Update

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

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Rancho las Aromitas y Agua Caliente

Posted by Rose Ann Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

From time to time, interesting artifacts turn up in the storage boxes and cubby holes of a 111 year old company. This summer, we found a folded, worn and water stained map in our storage vault. Now restored and framed, it is a wonderful addition to our Granite Rock archives. On March 2, 1907, Policronio Estolastico de Guadalupe (Lupe) Anzar, his wife Maria G. Anzar, and  Robert E. Easton signed this map of a planned division of the “Rancho las Aromitas y Agua Caliente” land, then owned by the Anzars.  
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World War I, Liberty Bonds and Granite Rock Company

Posted by Rose Ann Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

In 1919, Granite Rock Company purchased Liberty Bonds for a number of its Team Members. A Liberty Bond was a war bond that was sold by the United States Government to support the allied cause in World War I. Subscribing to the bonds became a symbol of patriotic duty and introduced the idea of financial securities to many citizens for the first time. After the war, the bond could be redeemed for its purchase price plus interest.
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More Economic News...

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

Economists were pleased with the report that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose 2.5% in the Third Quarter. The report allayed at least for now concerns that the economy is sliding toward recession. The economy grew a paltry 0.4% in the First Quarter and 1.3% in the Second Quarter.
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Evidence That America’s Focus On Reducing Heart Disease Is Working

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

Weight control, exercise, and cholesterol levels are frequent topics in doctors‟ offices across the nation and now there is evidence that this attention is paying off. Hospital admissions for elderly patients with heart failure fell by nearly 30% in the past ten years. The report published last Wednesday by the American Medical Association is the first to document a decline in hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the most common cause of death for Americans.
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Graniterock Team Member Recieves President’s Award

Posted by Keith Severson on Mar 18, 2015

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Graniterock Production Plant Achieves Safety Milestone

Posted by Keith Severson on Mar 18, 2015

Graniterock Production Plant Achieves Safety Milestone
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More Economic News

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

Mortgage rates have fallen to their lowest levels since modern records started in 1971. Average 30-year mortgage rate fell to 3.94% last week in response to Federal Reserve Bank plans to purchase long-term securities pushing down long-term rates tied to mortgages. Fifteen year fixed mortgages are down to 3.26%. It is hoped that lower mortgage interest rates will help Americans keep their homes and encourage new homeowners to enter the market.
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