Building Relationships

Posted by Rose Ann Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

On May 8, 1905, Granite Rock Company received the following letter from the General Manager of the Santa Cruz Beach, Cottage and Tent City Corporation:

Please ship two car loads of the finest Crushed Rock, same as we used on the esplanade at Santa Cruz. We would like to have this here this week. Ship same to Beach Switch near our Electric Light Plant and oblige,
Yours very truly,
S.C.B., C & Tent City Corp.
By  Fred W. Swanton

Fred Swanton was a turn-of-the-century promoter, entrepreneur, developer and politician who dreamed up and organized the construction of what is now known as the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Granite Rock Company, at that time also a brand new business, supplied materials for its development. Neptune’s Casino had opened the previous summer, and the corporation also built a nearby pier. Over the years, the Boardwalk has remained a vital and beloved entertainment venue for families throughout our region.

107 years since that order was placed, Granite Rock Company continues to partner with the company for its construction needs. In a recent conversation, Charles Canfield, current Chairman and President of the Santa Cruz Seaside Company, commented on the letter. “It’s interesting that our companies have such a long history in common. There are not that many left.”  He added, “I think the bill for that order has been paid – I’ll look into it.”

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