World War I, Liberty Bonds and Granite Rock Company

Posted by Rose Ann Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

In 1919, Granite Rock Company purchased Liberty Bonds for a number of its Team Members. A Liberty Bond was a war bond that was sold by the United States Government to support the allied cause in World War I. Subscribing to the bonds became a symbol of patriotic duty and introduced the idea of financial securities to many citizens for the first time. After the war, the bond could be redeemed for its purchase price plus interest.

To promote sale of the bonds, the government used famous artists to make posters, and used movie stars to host bond rallies. Al Jolson, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin were among the celebrities that made public appearances promoting the idea that purchasing a Liberty Bond was "the patriotic thing to do". Barnstorming U.S. Army pilots took people who bought bonds for an airplane ride, and Boy and Girl Scouts sold the bonds, using the slogan "Every Scout to Save a Soldier".

Granite Rock Company contributed to the war effort by buying $100 bonds for employees Roy Goodwin, Henry Wilson, and K. Laurence, and $50 bonds for Wing Sing, Lewis Hardy, P. Chiodi, J. Ferulli, Anselmo Antognani, W. H. McDonald, and G. E. Bohnett. The Act of Congress which authorized the Liberty Bonds is still used today as the authority under which all U.S. Treasury Bonds are issued.

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