Early Quarry Housing

Posted by Rose Ann Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

Throughout its 111 year history, Granite Rock Company has had family ties that have gone beyond the workplace and extended to connect with the lives of its people and communities. In the 1920’s, Granite Rock Company built a number of houses near the entrance to Logan Quarry (now named the A.R. Wilson Quarry).  

These served as homes for the families of quarry employees. At the end of World War II, business was booming at the quarry, large trucks drove through the entrance, and the location became unsafe for families with children. Three of the homes were sold to Aromas residents, and Clark & Clark Movers charged $300 each to move them to town. Bud and Hazel Martin paid $150 for their home, which was originally occupied at the quarry by the Hardy family, and was relocated to 356 Vega Street in Aromas. 

The smallest of the three homes was purchased by Roy Goodwin, and now sits on the corner of Marcus and Blohm Avenue. The largest house was bought by Zola Balla, and it is now located at 238 Carpenteria Road, across from the Aromas School. These residences help to weave Graniterock into the fabric of Aromas and the surrounding neighborhoods, which are so much a part of our history.

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