4th Annual Graniterock Algebra Academy Runs from August 12-17, 2013

Posted by Keith Severson on Mar 18, 2015


Things are buzzing at Graniterock. It’s just before the start of a new school year, and our Corporate Office in Watsonville is  filled with the hum of young voices, the sound of smart, motivated kids who are getting a jump start on their education by spending the last week of summer vacation immersed in algebra. Over one hundred middle school students from six different schools are attending the Algebra Academy, a week-long intensive study program taught by faculty and teaching assistants from California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) and the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). During their week of study the kids will take a field trip to the CSUMB campus and will also hear Graniterock Team Members explain how mathematics has shaped their professional careers. At the end of the Academy week parents are invited to join students to celebrate their work with a festive graduation ceremony.

Research shows that middle school is a critical time for mastering core math skills, especially in algebra. Students who do well in algebra have the confidence to take advanced math and science courses in high school and continue on to college. California’s economy and businesses require a skilled work force, and the Algebra Academy is designed to help students succeed in math, prepare for college admission and then be ready to move into careers such as science and technology.

For 2013-14, participating schools include Aromas, San Juan and Tres Pinos Schools (K-8); Rolling Hills, E.A. Hall and Pajaro Middle Schools. Students are being encouraged to continue to develop and share their math skills and interests through the school year with Algebra Academy Math Clubs that will feature after school meetings where teachers help students sustain their math momentum.

The 2013-14 Algebra Academy program is made possible through the sponsorship of Graniterock and Littler Mendelson PC. In addition, hundreds of individuals and businesses have helped with donations in memory of former Graniterock CEO Bruce W. Woolpert. Bruce believed passionately in the power of mathematics, and in 2010 he and Graniterock Corporate Counsel Kevin Jeffery teamed up to invite Watsonville’s Rolling Hills Middle School to the Company’s first Algebra Academy led by CSUMB Mathematics Department Chairman Hongde Hu.

Individual and corporate contributions will help to support this project into the future.  For more information on how you can become involved, please visit the Algebra Academy website, www.algebraacademy.net .

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