[Santa Clara x]

California Employment Report

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

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Graniterock Win Keeps Off-Duty Meal Period Issue in the Spotlight

Posted by Bruce W. Woolpert on Mar 18, 2015

San Jose, Calif. – In Driscoll, et al. v. Granite Rock Company (“Graniterock”), the Honorable James P. Kleinberg of the Santa Clara County Superior Court, ruled in favor of defendant Graniterock, following a 14-day bench trial.  In a tentative statement of decision, the court determined that Graniterock was not in violation of California law as it relates to off-duty meal periods, a wage and hour issue receiving much attention in light of the highly-anticipated decision in the case, Brinker Restaurant Corporation, et. al. v. Superior Court, pending before the California Supreme Court. Graniterock was represented by Shareholders Alan Levins, Laura Hayward and Alison Hightower of Littler Mendelson (“Littler”), the nation’s largest labor and employment law firm representing management.  
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